Types of Counselling available
Online Counselling
Online counselling has become more popular in recent times with many people taking advantage of technology to allow them to access therapy from the comfort of their own home. Online therapy using Zoom works in the same way as traditional face to face therapy with many clients preferring the convenience of accessing counselling without travelling.
Outdoor Counselling
Science backs up what many of us have instinctively known for years. Research tells us that simply being in nature enhances our sense of wellbeing and reduces stress. The gentle sounds of nature effectively gives our brain a rest. Experiencing awe whilst staring a sunset is like hitting the reset button on your brain.
Counselling can be a stressful experience for people, it is tough emotionally. Some people find it difficult to sit in the room with the therapist, they may find it claustrophobic. If this describes you and you enjoy being outdoors in nature, then maybe outdoor counselling is something you would benefit from.
In Fingal we are blessed with a beautiful coastline with many stunning beaches. We also have many beautiful parks and walks that are perfect for outdoor counselling and walk and talk therapy sessions
Face to Face Indoor Counselling
In person or face to face counselling is happening once again, with precautions for Covid 19, such as distancing, cleaning and ventilation. If you would like to avail of some face to face counselling in Malahide Village please get in touch.

Malahide Castle - photos by SharonLong Photography Malahide
Counselling outdoors - What you need to know.
What is counselling outdoors and how does it differ from regular counselling?
The counselling I offer outdoors is very similar to regular counselling. The main differnce is that we will be working in an ever changing, dynamic environment. Counselling outdoors will commonly be walk and talk therapy, which is just as it sounds, a walk through nature at a gentle pace allowing space and time to explore issues that may be troubling you.It can also be simply sitting in nature and talking for the session, depending on your needs and preferences.
A connection with nature has been proven to help in the reduction of stress, and an increase in life satisfaction. Have you ever stood in awe of a soaring tree or a glorious sunset? Awe in nature has been proven to have a positive affect on the brain with regular experiences of awe in nature having long term health effects.
We will aim to incorporate the restorative effects of nature and the positive feelings genrated by gentle evercise into the traditional talk therapy, to increase the benefits of your counselling session.
Outdoor therapy will not be suitable for everyone, indoor or online therapy will also be appropriate at times depending on the issues being explored and clients can decide to move indoors or outdoors as suits.
If you would like to learn more about outdoor therapy please watch my video below, click below for FAQ's or contact me to discuss further.